Video games are more fun when you have to vote for every button press!
There are 1000 of each button. They cost ~$29.99 (0.009 ETH), the original retail price of Pokémon Red and Blue. The first 50 of each button cost ~$0.25 (0.0008 ETH), the price of a classic arcade game.
Confirm, control.
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint AReject, deny.
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint BMove left.
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint LEFTMove down.
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint DOWNMove right.
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint RIGHTUp only.
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint UPUh, selects stuff?
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint SELECTOpens menus
Enables voting in DAOcade Discord.
Mint STARTDAOcade is a collective of individuals attempting to use the blockchain to win a classic video game together. Members purchase button NFTs that they can use to vote on every move in the DAOcade Discord. It's a decentralized autonomous organization, which means it's both cutting edge and good.
For decades, the only way for multiple people to play a video game at the same time was to physically share the controller. This had profound impacts on both scalability and liquidity. Now, inspired by the Web2 classic Twitch Plays Pokemon, we're using the incredible power of Web3 to combine the joy of video games with the speed of the blockchain and the thrill of decentralized governance.
In order to assure a democratic, trustless voting process, each button press must be voted upon, tallied, saved to distributed storage, and then saved on the blockchain. This necessarily takes anywhere from 10 to 50 seconds, depending on network traffic and gas prices. This may seem slow compared to the centralized, fiat-derived video games of the past, but it's a small price to pay for democracy.
No. Once you mint a button, there is no further cost. The DAOcade governance board pays all gas fees for voting. The buttons are priced to cover these costs.
Currently voting is limited to button presses only. The DAOcade governance board may choose to put more matters up to a vote in the future.
Buttons are ERC1155 tokens living on the Ethereum blockchain with metadata stored on-chain and images distributed on IPFS. Supply is limited to 1000 tokens per button.
Voting takes place in the DAOcade Discord. Members must prove proof of button token ownership to be able to vote. Members can vote one time per voting session. They can only vote for a button they own.
Tabulation of votes occurs off-chain with the full tally of each vote signed and distributed on IPFS. The final result of each vote is entered into a smart contract on the Polygon blockchain. The official DAOcade stream of the game responds to votes verified by this contract. Anyone can emulate the game by following along with the events emitted by this contract.